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Why is Trump the most hated president in history?

He may bee seen as the most hated president by some and a revolutionary by others but what makes him so controversial, minority's in America may say "hes a threat to our civil rights"
women might say "hes a threat to our rights" and obviously most Muslims would say the same. but is trump really as bad as he seems to be or does he just make himself the perfect candidate to be hated.

He is undoubtedly rich, an extremely successful businessman having stakes in dozens of corporations. he owns a hell of a lot of stuff which we cant mention here as we might be here all day.
having everything in the world one could imagine, so why run for office?
It obviously wasn't for money or fame well he did say he wanted to be' the president that is never forgotten' so there may be an element for fame but seriously haven't most people.
As he said he decided to run for office after he thought past presidents hadn't done such a good job.

As he ran his campaign he made some quite confusing, offensive and for some scary comments. people held demonstrations and white supremacists did and still do like him.

On the 8th of November 2016 election results were in and the world has been taken off its feet, shocked, not sure what has hit america, people describing the event as Armageddon others overjoyed "finally the revolution has come".

Hillary supporters couldn't begin to comprehend, sorry the world couldn't begin to comprehend what had happened and what would be in store for them.
yes it was fun protesting against trump during his camping but seriously winning the presidency, come on!

As trump assumed office people were expecting for all hell to break loose. mass deportation, nukes going off, declaring a few wars here and there.  a lunatic in the oval office the epicentre of world power.

Its approaching a year now with Donald trump as president of the US and .... nothing.
absolutely nothing, yes he did sing the presidential order banning people from certain different country's from entering the US (travel ban/Muslim ban) but within 24 hours was  overturned by the courts. his fight against Obamacare which again failed to amass the required number of votes in senate or how about the wall which was to expensive to build.

But seriously haven't past presidents of the US been accused and been guilty of much more serious crimes then trumps failed election promises. recent examples of Gorge w.bush and Obama going to war in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya to implement there foreign policy's and false accusations being used to justify these wars, killing millions of of people and displacing millions more. the after affects of these wars can still be witnessed today, there people permanently scared, economy's destroyed, creating a power vacuum which in turn created room for the uprising of i.s.i.s. they managed to kill bin laden but how many more bin laden's have been created,

If it wasn't for the actions of trumps predecessors and past foreign policy do you think trump would have even thought of the travel ban? he was wrong sometimes in painting all of the Muslims the same colour but the essence of it was to try and stop the movement of terrorism.

Whether you agree  with it  or not his predecessors are the reason to blame for him being hated so much as they have blood on there hands.


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